Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

I just follow the guide of CoreOS + Kubernetes Step By Step to deploy Kubernetes cluster on CoreOS.

Although this guide is detailed, there’s still something that will cause misunderstanding and should be paid close attention to. So this post is to help you better follow the guide and setup Kubernetes.

First of all, according to CoreOS cluster architectures, the CoreOS + Kubernetes Step By Step guide is for Easy development/testing cluster or Production cluster with central services, however, what I have is a Small cluster which was set up in the way Setup CoreOS Cluster with Static IPs, that will make some difference to ETCD_ENDPOINTS environment variable.


For each node, the ETCD_ENDPOINTS is http://<node-routable-ip>:2379. Don’t forget http://, it won’t work without this token.


If you’re in China, thanks to the GFW service, you’re not able to connect gcr.io to download gcr.io/google_containers/pause image. So maybe you need proxy for Docker.

So add a unit in your cloud-config file.

- name: docker.service
    - name: 20-http-proxy.conf
      content: |
  command: restart

Change http://www-proxy.ericsson.se:8080 to your own proxy server url.


Sometimes the active status of systemctl status won’t indicate everything goes well, you may need

	sudo journalctl -f -t <some-service>


	sudo journalctl -f -u <some-service>

or just

	sudo journalctl -ex

These commands will help you find what’s going wrong, and in most cases, you just need to be patient, because downloading takes time specially the first time you deploy.

Hope this helps.